Student Aid Program

Walsh Jesuit has a long tradition of utilizing interested students in the implementation of our Sports Medicine Team. Over the years, we have had many student volunteers, who want to be involved for a multitude of reasons. Many students come to us and feel they already know that they want to get into the medical field. We have had students that have gone on into the fields of medicine, including MD’s, orthopedics, nursing, physical therapy or athletic training.
Although this is always exciting for us, it is by no means a requirement for a student to enter our program.
The student trainer / aid program has also had quite a few athletes that by either injury or team selection have found their athletic careers cut short. In those cases, where students are so used to their time being taken by athletics, some choose to come and work with us to continue their involvement with the athletic teams.

Still another reason to join the sports medicine team is that a student may come to Walsh Jesuit and doesn’t know many other students. The student training / aid program is a great way for a new student to become immersed with larger 
groups / teams and meet new people.

Ultimately, we realize these are high school students. Our main goal is to promote involvement in athletics and make them part of the team. At no time will student trainer / aids be put in a position of decision making or anything else out of the realm of being a student athlete.

Supervision will always be present through either a coach or athletic trainer and no responsibilities or expectations will be placed that are inappropriate.

Interested students should contact either Mark Herbele or Shelby Boyd.  Involvement is limited by regulation of numbers of students which are allowed to be supervised.

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